Conferences have become ubiquitous in our culture. Whatever interests you, not only are there groups where you can meet other folks with the same interests, but they usually hold semi-regular conferences on said interests.
Folks usually assume that I attend bridal conferences. I went to a few but quickly discovered that my alteration services weren’t something brides were focused on at that point. Additionally, most folks looking for a custom gown don’t attend those sorts of conferences.
Instead, I attend Santa Claus conferences. Yes, you read that right. I regularly hang out with 300-600 guys with white beards who wear red clothes of all types. And if you’re thinking, “That’s got to be surreal!” you would be correct.

Santa conferences are a lot of fun. Most of the guys and gals are indeed jolly, and they love to talk and tell stories. I love listening to the stories of the kids they meet. There are awesome stories–like when they get to tell kids they are being adopted by their foster parents–and there are the heart wrenching ones—such as when they visit terminal cancer patients. They see all of humanity. Those that take their roles seriously have huge hearts and deep souls. They truly feel for the people they touch, and you can hear it in their voices when they talk.
A lot of them know me now and bring their friends over to meet me and get a custom suit made. It’s fun to make a suit unique to a Santa and his market. The devil is always in the details, but that’s also where the fun is. Each gentleman brings something unique to the role, and I like to reflect that in the clothes I create.
If you’ve read my blog “What Christmas Means to Me,” then you know how much working with these folks means to me. I get to be a part of thousands of children’s happiness through these amazing men and women.
I get to truthfully say that I make magic for a living.
Until next time Dear Readers, may all your bobbins be full and all your seams be straight.